Piano Lessons FAQ

Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions by prospective piano students and their parents.   If you have any other questions for me, please feel free to give Miss Tania a call on 0419 449 733

Miss Tania runs all her music classes from her studio in Club Marconi, Bossley Park which is situated on the first floor behind the Bocce courts.

Piano lessons are offered as a weekly, 30 minute lesson. For examinations candidates from Grade 5 onwards, a 45 minute weekly examination is recommended.

Lesson fees are:

$40.00 per 30 minute lesson

$60.00 per 45 minute lesson

Fees are paid in advance in 5 week blocks. We accept cash, bank transfer or visa and mastercard.

It is essential for the student’s progress as well as the financial benefit of lessons that a suitable instrument is available for the student to practice on. A touch sensitive keyboard is sufficient in the early years of learning however as students progress, particularly into an examination program, parents should expect that the instrument will be updated to a well tuned piano or high quality digital piano.   There are some very good and affordable models that will get you started. We recommend an instrument that has full size (preferably) weighted, touch sensitive keys.

For advice on instruments, brands, costs etc please see speak to Miss Tania or see the team at Bava’s Music, 25 Macquarie St Liverpool Ph: 98242211.


As a general rule, children are not ready for the disciplined training of formal musical instruction until at least the age of 6 or 7. Although aptitude varies among individuals, all children have the ability to achieve musically and will be greatly influenced by the timing and quality of their early experiences.

For children younger than 6 or 7, we recommend our Kindermusik classes (for children aged 0 - 5 years of age) or our Drums Alive classes (for primary age children). Many experts agree that group music classes which lay a foundation for musicianship through rhythmic activities, singing, movement, and music notation skills, often accelerate later progress on an instrument.

Music is a language and like any language there are many basics which must be mastered prior to advancing to more complex applications.  During a course of study, with all students, the approach to teaching is to develop a love and understanding of music.  Students are taught to read using an intervallic approach rather than by note reading and are encouraged to develop
skills in all areas of piano playing including technique, sight reading, aural awareness as well as performance in a progressive fashion.  Students are encouraged to sit for examinations however there is no pressure to do so.

Please bear in mind that no two students are exactly alike, and children (as well as adults) learn at different rates.  Even brothers and sisters within families differ radically in motivation and temperament.  Each student is approached as an individual with strengths and challenges according to their own unique potential. 

So really there is no set answer of how long it will take. With consistent 'brain training' the messages to the brain get faster and quicker and this is what gives you a basic level of playing. From there most students continue taking lessons long term as playing the piano is stimulating, rewarding, challenging and totally enjoyable!

Parent’s play a vital role in the process of learning to play the piano, especially in younger, primary school children.   Your attitude, commitment and motivation in attending lessons, facilitating practice at home and encouraging playful performance can be the surest guarantee that your child will find success and enjoyment out of piano lessons.  Your role in piano lessons completes the all-important team of student, parent and teacher.  In considering piano lessons, the teacher takes the lead role, the parent the supportive role and the student has the all-important role of learner.  As with all teams, good support from all members ensures the team’s success. 

At our studio we never recommend to practice for any particular length of time. In fact we like to move away from the word practise and call it 'brain training' . In essence, in learning anything, whether it's learning an instrument or learning pottery, what we are doing is training our brain to lay down the foundations of memory so that we can recall information with ease and with speed.

Think of practice (aka brain training) like a bush track. If you walk the track regularly it doesn't become overgrown with trees and shrubs blocking the pathway. Instead the path becomes clear and well worn which makes walking the track so much quicker and easier. Take a break from the bushwalk and you'll get overgrowth along the path and leaves and branches on the trail. This makes walking the path so much more difficult. You'll need to reclear the path again to be able to walk it with ease. And so it is with practice, the longer time between brain training, the more the chance of overgrowth in the neural pathways in the brain and each practise session will require you to get out the prunning shears to clear the path before you even get to the walking. By that time you're probably tired so say to yourself you'll prune today and walk tomorrow but then a couple days go by before you walk again and you know how the story goes.....LOL

Parents of young students may need to be creative in encouraging daily briain training.   It should be noted that the idea of practise should not be seen as a chore but simply an extension of the music lesson.  As much as possible try and sit with your child as they 'brain train' and familiarise yourself with the names of the pieces your child is playing and perhaps ask them to play particular pieces for you.  It is great encouragement for a child when parents ask to hear them play, know their pieces by name and are familiar with their progress. Music is fun when it is shared. When visitors come by, encourage your kiddo to play a little tune for family and friends. These are all forms of practice AKA brain training.

Our studio offers students the opportunity to sit for Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) examinations in both practical and theoretical subjects. 

Parents are reminded that examinations are not a teaching method but simply a working goal post and a gauge of progress against thousands of students across Australia.  Some students work better with examinations
than others.  Please discuss with Miss Tania if you wish for your child to sit for examinations.